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Lahser Athletics |
Season: December - March
Coach: Chris Bettridge
Asst. Coach: Matt Wright
Asst. Coach: Dane Hazelton
Education: |
Weight Classes |
- There are 14 weight classes in High School
wrestling, also called Folk Style wrestling; 103, 112, 119, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 152,
160, 171, 189, 215, and 285
- The minimum weight that a wrestler can wrestle
at is at a 7% body fat level. This weight is determined at the beginning of the season by
his "Alpha" weigh-in.
- Normally, wrestlers will be required to
weigh-in after 3pm the day before a meet or a tournament. Some tournaments require
weigh-ins the same day.
is a wrestling match? |
High School matches are three, two-minute
periods with each wrestler
contributing to the teams score in a dual meet. 1st OT period is 2 minutes, the 2nd, 30
Individual match points are normally scored
* Taking Down your opponent from the neutral or standing position -
2 pts.
* Escaping the control of your opponent - 1 pt
* Reversing control - 2 pts
* Almost pinning your opponent
- A pin is forcing your opponent's
shoulder blades to the mat
for 2 full seconds
- 2 or 3 points are awarded for
"almost" pinning your opponent
(known as a near fall).
Team points are scored as follows:
* Decision - 3 pts. Winning by less than 8 points
* Major Decision - 4 pts. Winning by 8 to 14 pts.
* Technical Fall - 5 pts. Winning by 15 points. The match stops at
* Pinning your opponent, or Fall points - 6 pts.
Team Tournament Scoring scoring varies
* Most tournaments award advancement points for winning and
"extra" points for
- Major Decisions
- Technical Falls
- Pins
Typical scoring is:
* 1 or 2 points for advancing
* 1, 1.5, or 2 points for MD, Tech, and Pins respectively.
Placing in the finals is where the
"big" points are with winners being awarded 10 to 30 points depending on place
and size of the tournament.
How does a wrestling match start? |
Wrestlers begin on their feet, facing each other. This is called the neutral
position. From this position, each wrestler tries to take his opponent down to the mat. If
he does and gains control he is awarded a 2 point "take down".
The second period will begin with a coin
toss. The winner has the option of starting in the neutral position, starting down
(defense - under his opponent control ) or on top (offense - in control of his opponent).
He can also defer the choice to his opponent and get his choice at the beginning of the
third period.
The third period will begin by giving the
loser of the 2nd period coin toss (or the coin toss winner if he deferred) his choice of
neutral, defense, offense (Up, Down, or Top).
there offense and defense in wrestling? |
Offense: The wrestler on offense can only score by pinning or almost pinning
the defense wrestler. If the offense wrestler can push his opponents shoulder blades past
90o to the mat for at least 2 seconds he is awarded 2 pts. If he can maintain
his opponents shoulder blades past 90o to the mat for 5 or more seconds he is
awarded 3 pts.
Defense: The wrestler on defense can score in
two ways. 1) by reversing his opponent or gaining control. 2) by escaping the control of
his opponent ( thus moving to the neutral position ).
Referee Signals: |
Organization |
Division 2 |
Region 15 |
Auburn Hills - Avondale |
Berkley |
Birmingham - Seaholm |
Bloomfield Hills - Lahser |
Bloomfield Hills - Andover |
Center Line |
Hazel Park |
Madison Heights - Lamphere |
Marysville |
Orchard Lake - St. Marys |
St. Clare Shores - Lake Shore |
St. Clare Shores - Lakeview |
Warren Woods - Tower |
Warren - Fitzgerald |
Warren - Lincoln |