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Season: December - March

Coach: Chris Bettridge
Asst. Coach: Matt Wright
Asst. Coach: Dane Hazelton

Coach:  Kendrick Johnson (248) 431-7982
Asst. Coach: Matt Wright   (901) 356-9724
Asst. Coach: Dane Hazelton   (248) 420-9425
President: Paul Boomer (248) 334-5593
Vice President: Mary Derian (248) 506-3048
Secretary: Diane Wernette (248) 330-1151
Treasurer:  Lyn Wethy (248) 420-7428
Webmaster: Todd Wethy (248) 420-7427

Welcome to the 2007-2008 Lahser Knights Wrestling Team.  We are looking forward to another successful wrestling season.  

This year the Wrestling Boosters are prepared to help our whole team go all the way to the State Finals.  We have held our dues request at the same level as last year, $165.00.  These dues are very important to the success of the Wrestling Team.  Some of the items that the Wrestling Boosters will provide with your dues this year are:

         - Personalized wrestling gym bags for all new wrestlers

         - Logo T-shirts and shorts for all wrestlers
         - Singlets
         - Warm ups
         - Provide additional coaching and professional clinics for the wrestlers

         - Provide meals and drinks for wrestlers and staff at all tournaments
         - Purchase equipment and supplies
         - Help at-need wrestlers attend the summer wrestling camp
         - Custom banner with varsity wrestlers names to display at meets
         - Web site and mutlimedia (pictures, DVD) support
         - Sponsor the awards banquet at the end of the season

Joining the Lahser Knights Wrestling Team shows a personal commitment to excellence.  Wrestling is the only high school sport that allows an individual the opportunity to compete against opponents that are the same size.  This allows the athlete to concentrate on building their skills, endurance and strength without worrying that they are too small…or too big to compete.  

The Lahser Knights Wrestling Program offers excellent coaching and the camaraderie of students that all have a single goal; to be the best that they can possibly be, mentally and physically.

Please help us continue the high level of commitment we have to our wrestlers by supporting the Wrestling Boosters with your prompt dues payment.  We also need the assistance of some new volunteers to help with concession booth sales, food preparation at the tournaments, memory book and clothing orders.

  If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, contact:
    Paul Boomer- Booster President
    Mary Derian - Vice President

My Son Has Joined The Wrestling Team

My son has joined the wrestling team, I don’t know what to say,
I fear that he will stink like sweat, after practice every day.
I wish my son would play a game, or shoot a bouncing ball,
Instead he joins the wrestling team, which has no class at all.

My son is watching all he eats, he eats the foods he hates,
He knows what foods are good for him, he has to cut some weight.
He works to learn reversals, and take downs that are planned,
Hand control and when to shoot, and how to pin his man.

His uniform’s a singlet, and a thing he calls “head” gear,
That’s all there is, no pads, no fuss, or fancy stuff to wear.
He talks about his wrestle offs, and how to take men down,
He shoots, he pins, he’s ready, for any kid in town.

Before I have a chance to cheer, they twist and turn so fast,
My son is eating rubber, with his face upon the mat.
The buzzer sounds and I’m relieved, to see it’s at an end,
But no, he hasn’t finished yet, he takes the stance again.

They shouldn’t make him do it, I think he’s had enough,
Why does he grovel on his knees, to prove that he is tough.
The referee is watching, each an every move he makes,
My son must know the rules, or learn from his mistakes.

He can not cheat or hurt his man, or dare to throw a fit,
The ref will give away a point, without discussing it.
With every muscle straining, he tries his best to win,
Perseverance is the key, if he wants to make that pin.

Adversity can’t keep him down, they roll and bridge and turn,
My son has found persistence, a lesson he must learn.
His companion’s endurance, as he strives until the end,
And if he has the guts, determination is his friend.

It takes a lot of courage, and a certain kind of grit,
Self-reliance, spunk and luck, are all a part of it.
Each wrestler must give his all, no matter what the cost,
His gain will be tenacity, even if he’s lost.

And when the match is over, the wrestlers will shake hands,
Good sportsmanship’s expected, from every wrestling man.
My son has joined the wrestling team, I’m proud to tell you why,
He’s learned the things that make a man, and make a mother cry.

Win...The Winning